What You Should Be Looking For From A Wedding Dress Dry Cleaning Company

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  • What You Should Be Looking For From A Wedding Dress Dry Cleaning Company

If you intend on getting your wedding dress dry cleaned in Orange County following the big day, you might not be sure what qualities to look for in the company that you choose. You know that you need to get this right, because you only have one wedding dress, and if it is damaged then you’ll likely be very upset about it. You want to have the dress so you can look at it years later and smile fondly, remembering the day that you made a commitment to your beloved. Here’s what you should be looking for from a dry cleaning company, Orange County.


Analysis by the Experts


The dry cleaner you choose should understand that wedding dress dry cleaning is not one size fits all. That’s because no two dresses are the same. They will want to inspect and test the dress, taking measurements, noting any ornamentation, and they will need to analyze the dyes, weaves, and fabrics.


These notes will determine which preservation techniques are used. The cleaners will decide which method is best for the dress based on their observations, and they should have experience dry cleaning all kinds of wedding dresses in the past. The company you choose should know how to clean the dress so that the sequins, beads, and any other trimmings will remain affixed to it.


Testing Techniques


The dry cleaning company in Orange County that you choose should also know how to test to see what spills and stains the dress has picked up throughout the time that you wore it. Wedding cake, champagne, and makeup will all affect the dress differently, and there are different cleaning techniques for each one. Identifying and treating those stains individually is going to be part of the process.


If left untreated, some kinds of stains can oxidize over time and appear months or years later as unsightly brown spots. Sugar stains like those caused by champagne and chloride salts from sweat are two particularly dangerous ones if you want to preserve the dress as it originally appeared.


Dry cleaning can certainly be an appropriate way of treating a wedding dress, Orange County, but the proper care must be taken if you are to enjoy the best results. Sit down with the local dry cleaning companies that handle wedding dresses and ask them any questions you have until you are satisfied. Unless they are willing to guarantee their work and they seem to be genuine experts in this field, you’re probably going to want to go elsewhere.


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